Friday, 29 July 2016

Diary Post T3 W1

We have been doing a lot of things this week.
Here is some of them:

On Wednesday we had our first session of bike skills this term.  We learnt how to check that all of our equipment is put on properly and then we did some riding.  After we were warmed up, we played a game where we could not put our feet on the ground or we were out.  They made it harder by making our riding area smaller and changing the direction everyone was riding in.  And believe me, that got a bit difficult as people kept stopping and putting their feet on the ground because there would be someone in their turning circle.  I did not do very good at this game.

This week we have started a new way of doing our SDL (Self-Directed Learning).  The way we do it now is through Hapara student dashboard.
This new way is really cool because the teacher can make it so that you can only get tasks at certain times, and you have a time limit in which you can complete it in. The teacher can monitor us with her account.
I think the new way is cool.

Yesterday (It is currently Friday) we started our Cross Country training.  At some point this term we will do the real thing and the top 7 boys and girls (They are separate) from each year level go to the Inter-School Cross Country to compete against other schools.  I made it through in Year 4 but not Year 5 because we were in Oamaru.  I thought Inter-School in Year 4 was a bit boring, but oh well.

The first week of this term has been rather busy.  We have been told that this term is going to be very busy, so expect more!