Friday, 14 October 2016

Diary Post Term 4 Week 1

Our class has been doing some interesting things in the first week back to school.

 We have been doing something called a ballad, which is sort of like a poem mixed with a story, as it tells a story but it rhymes and there are 4 lines in each stanza, or paragraph.

 The other thing we have been doing is Paper Mache. We are making the solar system out of Paper Mache.

We have also started a new novel in our class, called Between Two Ends.  So far, it is about a boy name Yeats going to Gran's house with his parents and in the part we have just read he found 2 talking pirate bookends.  These bookends also move.

So these are the interesting things that we have done this week.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Ballad - Cricket

This is the ballad that I did.  This ballad is about cricket.  
A ballad is sort of like a poem and a story mixed together, as it tells a story but at the same time, it rhymes and has stanzas (or paragraphs) with 4 lines in them.   It was quite difficult to think of rhyming - that´s why some lines sound a bit weird.  I learnt a lot about ballads.  I enjoyed writing this Ballad as I love cricket - that is why I made the subject is cricket. Hopefully this is joyful to read. Enjoy!